GCSE Computer Science MindMaps
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Learn GCSE Computer Science – Mind Maps
Many students can find studying for GCSE Computer Science exams particularly difficult because of the many interrelated terms and concepts that they must learn and apply. Mind maps are a powerful graphic technique for visualizing complex information and truly understanding the links between each piece, not just memorizing definitions. Here are some of the reasons why you should be using mind maps ahead of your GCSE Computer Science exams.
Mind maps are a very unique way of visualizing information because they structure different bits and pieces of information in the same way that your brain does – not in a linear, but in a radiant way. Using relevant connections, triggers and associative links mind maps literally ‘map’ the necessary information into a structure that most suits your brain. Similarly, the very process of drawing a mind map takes ideas from inside your head into a visible, coordinated and structured chart.
Clinical research has shown that the human brain works best on the basis of association as it takes an idea, memory or concept and links it to thousands of other pieces of information that it has already retained. According to a study from 2002, mind mapping improved long-term retention of facts by students by a whole 10%. Another study tested mind maps against lists and concluded that children are 32% more likely to remember words from the former. That just goes to show how much of a difference the right study method can make for you!
The process of mind mapping always begins with a core idea, concept or topic as the starting point of the chart. Next, the mind map begins to branch out from that core idea into more and more detailed clusters of related ideas – for example, in your GCSE Computer Science your mind map may begin with software and then branch out into different parts and functions of software (e.g. to process, store, or collect data). As you write your mind map out you will be structuring the information in such a way that not only helps you remember it but also helps you understand it as you learn about how each sub-concept is related to one another within one broader topic.
In creating your mind map you’ve been a great help to your brain as the very process has organised and condensed the necessary keywords and triggers to create an association game. That association game will come in extremely handy come exam time when you’ll no longer need to juggle large textbooks for information, but instead will have condensed information.
Being able to put your textbook to the side and focus on your own notes will also give you confidence and prevent you from getting overwhelmed as you’ll be able to access vast amounts of information at a glance. Imagine having a whole chapter worth of knowledge in one A4 sheet of paper!
What’s more, mind maps give you the ultimate opportunity to put fun and colour into revision! By giving creative character to your mind maps you’ll make them more memorable to yourself. This doesn’t mean you should colour every word differently – but colour coding the different strands of your map can help with your association process when it comes to memory recall. Sitting in that exam room you won’t have to think back of large bulks of notes but will simply be able to remember topics by colour and structure of your mind map. According to the association process logic, remembering just one colour or word can help you remember all of the rest too! So no need to worry about missing topics out!
As a multifaceted revision technique, mind mapping is a method that makes it more likely for you to experience deep learning – this will prove immensely useful for you as you continue your post-GCSE education. As a learning method that puts your subject into perspective mind mapping is likely to be a revision you’ll keep returning to long after your GCSEs.
Don’t forget that you don’t have to be Picasso to create a good mind map – neither does it have to be a masterpiece. The most effective mind maps will not be overly complex and won’t take ages for you to create. They will be ones that your association process has enabled you to create fairly efficiently. Meanwhile, if you’re not keen on making your own mind maps you can always use ones that already exist! Lucky for you this is definitely not the first year that students are sitting their GCSE Computer Science exams – so you have plenty of predecessors to rely on.
Most importantly, you can rely on us. At GCSE Computer Science we created mind maps with the most essential content to get you thoroughly prepared for your exams. We encourage you to use them and to make them your own. You can do so by adding your own colours, comments, symbols, and patterns to make the notes personal and to familiarise yourself with them.
We don’t want you to dread your exam preparation time, but instead to enjoy it and get the very most out of revision. So head over to our dynamic and customisable mind maps to start learning essential revision material in no time!