GCSE Python Beginners
Are you teaching your GCSE students about pseudocode or the basics of Python? Maybe you're a student looking to learn more about Python and computer programming?
This beginners course will prepare students for their GCSE Computer Science exams by covering the fundamentals of Python, including:
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Python Readability Tutorial
Is your handwriting hard to read? Have you ever tried to read something you ...
Python Strings Tutorial
Cats aren’t the only ones that can have fun with strings! The string data ...
Python Functions Tutorial
As we have seen, loops can help us reuse our code. But what if ...
Python Lists Tutorial
When we make a shopping list, we don’t write each thing we need on ...
Python Files Handling Tutorial
Most video games save your progress somehow. Otherwise, you would have to start over ...
Python While Loops Tutorial
As long as you are alive, your heart will beat. As long as the ...