
The basics of computer programming, including arrays, iteration loops, validation checks, data types, and more.

Server-side scripting

Most websites nowadays use server-side scripting to display all data the client needs dynamically on the screen. These data are generally gathered from a database stored on a server and sent to the client (The Browser). The client can now see it via other scripting codes such as JavaScript and HTML. One of the essential …

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Run Length Encoding

Introduction Compression algorithms are an important aspect of computer science. Compaction is the method of minimizing the quantity of data required for a given piece of information to be stored or transmitted, usually by the use of encoding techniques. Today, when 20 megabytes may be needed for an uncompressed digital image, data compression is critical …

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Assembly Language

What is Assembly Language In registering programming, low level computing construct (or building specialist language), routinely abbreviated ASM, is any of the low level programming languages where there is a very strong correspondence between the rules in the language and the designing’s machine code bearings. Since get together depends upon the machine code headings, each …

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Programming Paradigm

What is the programming paradigm? Similarly, the world view can be defined as a technique for solving certain problems or for some trade-offs. The programming perspective is a way for a director to use different programming languages ​​to solve work problems directly. It can be said that this is a way to control anger by …

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Rapid Application Development (RAD)

What is Rapid Application Development? The Rapid Application Development (RAD) model was introduced as a response to plan-driven Waterfall processes. The first type of RAD was developed by Barry Boehm, which is known as the “Spiral Model” (discussed in another article). Boehm had emphasized an approach that developed using prototypes as-well as or instead of …

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Agile Methodology

During the 1970s, the Waterfall methodology was prevalent as being superior to all other methodologies of use (although there weren’t that many). Using Waterfall meant spending a huge amount of time and effort gathering resources upfront and panning with a lot of key decision based on assumption. Though it was just not working out for …

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Extreme Programming (XP)

What is Extreme Programming? Just before the year 2000, Ken Beck, had developed Extreme Programming (XP) during his line of work at Chrysler Comprehensive Compensation System payroll project. Beck had become the project leader of this project, and thus he had refined the development methodology used, which ultimately led him to write a book about …

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What is BIOS? BIOS = Basic Input Output System BIOS is identified as a group of programs, which are solidified to the ROM (read-only memory unit, which doesn’t allow for modifications) chip of a computer’s motherboard. BIOS is where the most basic yet important input and output programs of a computer, system settings, and self-triggered …

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Data Validation

Data Validation is an automated check performed to guarantee that the data input is rational and acceptable.  It does not check the correctness of the data itself. As an example, let’s assume a coffee shop is hiring baristas aged 18 to 25.  The system can be programmed to only accept numbers between 18 and 25 …

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Programming Data Types

Programming Data Types A data type is a means of classifying the type of data that a variable or object can hold in computer programming.  Data types are an important factor in all computer programming languages, including C#, C++, JavaScript, and Visual Basic.  When programmers develop computer software—whether that’s desktop or web-based—data types must be assigned and applied correctly in order to guarantee proper …

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Selection In Programming

A selection in programming is used to make choices depending on the information.  An algorithm can be made smarter by using IF, THEN, and ELSE functions to reiterate instructions, or to move the process in question to different parts of the program. Selection is also called a decision.  It is one of the three basic …

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Variables and Constants

Variables and constants are two commonly used mathematical concepts.  A variable is a value that has the ability to change.  A constant is a value that remains unchanged. These concepts have branched out into other fields, like physics and computer science.  Variables In the mathematical framework, a variable is a quantity that has a dynamic …

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Testing and Test Data

Testing Testing is the name given to the process of discovering if something works and if so if it works well.  Testing is used in computer hardware and software development to determine whether objectives are being met.  It is done at significant checkpoints in the development process. Purposes of Testing To be able to assess …

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Data Verification

Data Entry Errors There are a few kinds of standard errors that are often experienced when doing data entry. Two of the most common of these are transcription errors and transposition errors. Transcription Errors Every time data is manually entered into the system, there’s a possibility that an error will be committed. Human errors do …

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Data Structures and Algorithms

Candidates should be able to: define the terms variable and constant as used in an imperative language use variables and constants describe the data types integer, real, Boolean, character and string select and justify appropriate data types for a given program perform common operations on numeric and Boolean data use one-dimensional arrays. What are constants …

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Testing Your Code

Candidates should be able to: describe syntax errors and logic errors which may occur while developing a program understand and identify syntax and logic errors select and justify test data for a program, stating the expected outcome of each test. What are syntax errors? Syntax errors are errors that occur when instructions do not follow …

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An array is a data framework that is composed of a group of elements.  These elements have similar data types, for example, all are integers, or all are strings.  Arrays are utilized in computer programs to arrange data where an interrelated set of values can be categorized and located. An example of practical use of …

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Iteration is the term given to the repetition of a block of instructions (code) within a computer program for a number of instances or until status is encountered.  When the first group of instructions is carried out again, it is called an iteration.  When a cycle of instructions is carried out in a repeated manner, …

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Microsoft Small Basic Support Pages Summary

KS3 Programming Resources (14-16 years) An editable PowerPoint lesson presentation Editable revision handouts A glossary which covers the key terminologies of the module Topic mindmaps for visualising the key concepts Printable flashcards to help students engage active recall and confidence-based repetition A quiz with accompanying answer key to test knowledge and understanding of the module …

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Microsoft Small Basic Colours

Text Window colours: Example: TextWindow.ForegroundColor = “Magenta” or TextWindow.BackgroundColor = 13 0 Black 1 DarkBlue 2 DarkGreen 3 DarkCyan 4 DarkRed 5 DarkMagenta 6 DarkYellow 7 Gray 8 DarkGray 9 Blue 10 Green 11 Cyan 12 Red 13 Magenta 14 Yellow 15 White Graphics Window colours: Example: GraphicsWindow.BackgroundColor = “Magenta” Note: numbers cannot be used …

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Logicator Flowcharting Software | Picaxe Logicator LCD/OLED screens

These are a self-assembly accessory, a bit fiddly to solder but easy with practice. The OLED display is far superior, brighter and with better contrast. This page will refer to the Budget Serial OLED Module The display has its own PICAXE-18M2 chip and a 3.5mm PICAXE Programming Connector. This allows the PICAXE-18M2 to be reprogrammed …

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