GCSE Computer Science PowerPoint presentations
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Teach GCSE Computer Science – PowerPoint Presentations
PowerPoint Presentations are a fantastic lesson resource. Their dynamic nature makes it easy to create immersive teaching materials for GCSE Computer Science students. Here are some of the reasons why they are useful and how best to make them your go-to tool.
Although innovative, today PowerPoint Presentations are a fairly common way of teaching. Pedagogical experts have determined that PowerPoint Presentations are more likely to engage students than typical lessons without them and surveys have found that students feel like lessons with PowerPoints are more interesting than those without. Often this is because well-structured PowerPoints allow for small breaks in teaching by throwing in fun facts and even jokes in between large chunks of important information. Thus the learning continues without the students feeling bored or even overwhelmed by the volume of information. This makes it significantly more likely that the students will retain the information.
By far one of the biggest advantages of PowerPoint Presentations is that they help capture the students’ attention in class, and not only capture, but keep that attention. By making complex and even dry chunks of information interesting, interactive and attention-grabbing, presentations make revision and learning into a fun activity instead of a chore. Good interactive presentations also help foster positive relationships between teachers and students.
PowerPoint Presentations transform the learning process from just reading or listening to not only both of those activities but also seeing. Much like other methods they can be a powerful visualization tool for learning. Elements that can exist in PowerPoint Presentation include not only just text blocks but charts, tables, graphs, images, video and audio files. This gives the teacher an incredibly powerful toolbox for relaying important learning materials to the students. Truly memorable imagery and/or charts and graphs will make it easier for students to take in information as well as to recall it come exam time. Therefore PowerPoint Presentations are greatly useful for not only lessons with new content but also revision classes.
They can help involve students in the learning process as interactive tools. For example, they might pose a student with a problem to solve alone or together with the entire class. On the other hand, they can also help teach practical components of the GCSE Computer Science course as students can see what is happening on the screen and learn to employ the necessary tools on their own devices.
Another way in which PowerPoint Presentations are helpful is in condensing large chunks of information into the essentials. If the teacher is giving a long speech full of important facts and figures, students can listen along but also have a summary on the board to fall back on for their notes.
Moreover, PowerPoint Presentations are also useful because they are easily customisable to the needs of the subject. Slides can very easily be designed to match the requirements of revision and teaching material. Pictures can be easily attached to PowerPoint Presentations or linked to them. These pictures can be proprietary or be taken off the internet. Many teaching guidelines suggest that pictures be carefully chosen and placed in presentations to capture maximum attention and have the best effect as a learning aid. Meanwhile, videos can be embedded into PowerPoint Presentations or added to them as links. Usually, students report that informative videos feel to them like a ‘break’ in the teaching lesson. This is especially true if the video is interesting and engaging like tutorial videos can be in GCSE Computer Science.
Thanks to how advanced PowerPoint Presentation creating tools are, you can now both insert images of charts, tables, and graphs and actually create them in the presentation itself. Many software tools, including Microsoft, allow for this which means that if you are familiar with the software you can create the most original and interesting content efficiently.
When using PowerPoint Presentations, teachers can limit themselves in terms of time, ensuring to balance out the presentation between all the different topics that need to be covered. When there are large chunks of content to teach it is often difficult to organise that information and break it down into smaller clusters. PowerPoint Presentations not only help break down larger chunks of information into smaller ones, but they also help with organizing that information and relaying it in the right sequence. Balancing between lines of text and visual aids will help greatly with maintaining the students’ attention and making the presentation easily digestible.
However, creating PowerPoint Presentations is not always a walk in the park – if you are not familiar with the software or the content, it can take a long time to create and integrate visuals and information into lesson plans. These cumbersome tasks often put teachers off this tool. Not to mention that there are certainly ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ of PowerPoints! Oversaturated presentations can have the very opposite of the intended effect on students – confusing as opposed to enlightening them. After all, it’s much easier to memorise a chart with five of the keywords than one with 20 very specific terms.
This is where we come in. At GCSE Computer Science we offer detailed lesson plans in PowerPoint format in order to help you teach the key concepts of computer science to your class. Take a peek to see what’s in store for you!